In the male the uppersides are bright orange-yellow with a broad black border to both
wings. There is a bright orange spot on the hindwings and a black spot in the forewing. The underside of the forewings are
pale yellow with small black spots. The hindwing undersides are green with a central silver spot outlined in red. The antennae
are reddish. Females, which come in two forms, are larger and paler than males and the black borders contain yellow or creamy
white spots. The normal female form has a pale yellow ground colour. In the form helice the ground colour is creamy
white. Approximately 5-15% of females are of this form.
Red Lacewing (Cethosia biblis) is a medium-sized butterfly found in Nepal, north-east India, Burma, Indochina, China,
Thailand, and the Andaman Islands. The wings of the male are bright orange-red; the margins are black with white spots. The
wings of the female are black , brown, and gray with black and white spots on the black margins. The undersides of the wings
are black, brown, and tan. The caterpillar has black and red stripes, and a black head legs; many black spikes eminate from
the body. Its caterpillar lives only the host plant Passiflora cochinchinese (a poisonous vine); adults drink nectar from
Lantana camara flowers.